Fasting in the name of health

The Transformative Power of Fasting: A Journey to Health and Well-being

Fasting has been a practice embedded in various cultures for centuries, and in recent times, it has gained recognition for its numerous health benefits. Recent scientific research has shed light on the myriad benefits of fasting, impacting physiology, cellular health, aging, disease, and overall well-being.

Dr. Ohsumi's Nobel Prize-winning work on autophagy in 2016 revolutionized the understanding of fasting. Autophagy, meaning "self-eating," is the body's natural mechanism to eliminate damaged cells, promoting regeneration of healthier ones. Fasting triggers autophagy, acting as a catalyst for accelerated healing and a natural self-repair process.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of fasting, the different types of fasts, and the inspiring story of one individual who turned to fasting as a means of promoting health and well-being.

The Benefits of Fasting:

Fasting, when done responsibly and with proper guidance, can offer a range of health benefits. One of the primary advantages is the initiation of ketosis, a state where the body utilizes stored fats for energy production. This process typically begins 24-36 hours after the cessation of food intake, leading to increased energy levels, heightened mental clarity, and improved focus. Extended fasting, typically involving fasting periods beyond three days, has been a subject of interest for researchers examining its impact on health. Several studies suggest that extended fasting can trigger profound physiological changes in the body, leading to improved metabolic health, enhanced autophagy, and potential longevity benefits.

  1. Metabolic Health: Research found (1)that extended fasting (lasting up to 60 hours) led to significant improvements in insulin sensitivity, a key factor in metabolic health. The study observed positive changes in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, indicating a potential benefit for individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes.

  2. Autophagy and Cellular Repair: Autophagy, a cellular recycling process, is triggered during periods of fasting. A study (2) highlights the role of autophagy in removing damaged cellular components and promoting cellular repair. Extended fasting is believed to enhance autophagic activity, contributing to cellular rejuvenation and improved overall health.

  3. Longevity Benefits: Intermittent or extended fasting may have positive effects on longevity (3). The study, conducted on animals, demonstrated that fasting cycles promoted longevity by reducing the risk of age-related diseases and enhancing stress resistance.

Various Types of Fasting Approaches:

  1. Intermittent Fasting (IF): IF involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. IF can lead to weight loss, improved metabolic health, and cardiovascular benefits (4). The study compared the effects of alternate-day fasting with daily caloric restriction.

  2. Time-Restricted Eating (TRE): TRE limits the daily eating window, encouraging fasting for the remaining hours. TRE can aid in weight loss and improve metabolic parameters (5). The research compared the effects of a 10-hour eating window with a 14-hour eating window.

  3. The 5:2 Diet: The 5:2 diet involves consuming a regular diet for five days and significantly reducing calorie intake (around 500-600 calories) on two non-consecutive days. The 5:2 diet led to weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity (6).

The Three-Day Fast:

As a seasoned faster and a host of Global Fast community, I recommend a 72hr fast every 2 months. The Global Fast started in 2020 and is open to all levels of fasting experience, this signature program is designed to give you foundational tools for a successful extended fast. Every two months we get together with a shared commitment to health. Participants support each other throughout the fast, sharing experiences and providing encouragement. This sense of community helps individuals overcome challenges and celebrate successes together. Fasting is a powerful practice. It can be done in so many ways yet should always be social. Social activities not only reduce inflammation but they enhance a sense of community. When you fast together you'll make connections with other fasters, feel safe and supported. This sense of community helps individuals overcome challenges and celebrate successes together.

Starting Your Fasting Journey – 3 Steps:

  1. Create a Fasting Window: Begin with intermittent fasting, gradually extending to 13-15 hours. Monitor blood sugar and ketones with tools like Keto Mojo.

  2. Increase Fasting Window: Progress to 13-15 hours, focusing on macros with under 50g net carbs, 50g net protein, and 60% healthy fats.

  3. Advance to 17+ Hours: Transition to autophagy fasting with reduced protein intake. Explore more advanced fasts like dinner-to-dinner or 36-48 hours.

Breaking Your Fast:

After completing the three-day fast, I suggest breaking the fast gradually with bone broths and high-fat foods, avoiding insulin-spiking carbohydrates. Surprisingly, individuals tend to lose the desire for heavily-processed foods, leading to mindful and conscious eating habits.

Cease fasting if ketones exceed 7, blood sugar drops below 40, or if feeling unwell. Certain individuals, like those with adrenal fatigue, complex health conditions, or in the premenstrual week, should approach fasting cautiously.

Age Restrictions and Health Contraindications:

Fasting is not recommended for individuals under 18 or those over 65, as they may face health issues or take medications that could be impacted by fasting. Additionally, individuals with health conditions such as hypertension, thyroid problems, or diabetes are advised to consult their doctors before participating in fasting.

Fasting, when approached responsibly and with proper guidance, can be a transformative practice for both physical and mental health. It’s powerful biohack rooted in tradition and supported by modern science, it offers a spectrum of benefits for overall health and well-being. Tailoring your fasting approach to specific health goals empowers you to unlock the full potential of this ancient practice.

Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about extended fasting.


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