Find your happiness and feel better about yourself!

Personalised nutritional and wellness coaching!

You are what you eat, let the food be the optimal fuel source for your wellbeing. Chose well: quality, provenance and seasons are your guidelines. I will help you make it personalised to your needs.

You only have one body, cherish it on your life journey. Fuel yourself with the best possible ingredients you can find, the foods that serve you well to perform to the best of your abilities and more. Respect your body, invest in your health by eating well.


Invest in your health!

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Improve your relationship with food!

“Dorota introduced me to a totally new way of looking at food. I’m more in tune now with what I eat then ever before.”

— Anne T.


Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.